

Get MAKE HIM BEG TO MARRY YOU Now TURN EVEN THE HARDEST COMMITMENT-PHOBIC INTO YOUR HUSBAND THE BOOK YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Hi, My name is Jared... And just 90 seconds from now I'm going to let you in on what makes men meet a girl and marry her in less than 3 months while, with other women, they avoid the topic of commitment like a vampire from a cross. It's something he CRAVES... As a women, you can choose not to approach men if you don't want to. They will come to you. They are programmed that way.  PROBLEM IS, IT IS NEVER THE ONES YOU WANT. It is the losers, the unattractive, and the womanizers. Sometimes you get lucky, by seducing your crush or being approached by him. Very often he wants to date forever, never to bother name your relationship and always avoiding commitment topics. That's where this book comes into play. This book holds the key to winning a man's love, attention,


In order to know where you are and how to get where you want, you have got to know which the steps of a relationship are: 1. Seduction Seduction is that phase where you are still talking hours long on the phone, getting to know the mysterious part of each other. You are still flirty with him and he still gives you all the attention in the world. 2. The Perfect other In these phase you think you have found the love of your life. He's perfect and he thinks you are perfect too. That's so that you believe you are perfect, you believe this man has made you perfect. Yes, you have found your prince. 3. Uncovering traits Differences arise, attraction-based-only relationships start crumbling, different morals, religions and philosophies, those mundane cringing habits annoy you, his relatives and friends don't like you or you don't like them, along with other issues. 3.1. The Bad outweigh the Good When you realize he has none of those 3 most importan

Is there such thing as THE ONE?

NO, there isn't! I said it, and the Internet goes wild. There is something I find important that everyone, women and men, should know once and for all. There's no such thing as THE ONE. In today's world where our options went from 5 to 5 million, choosing the right partner for you is a waste of time. Sure there are apps for that but even if those apps work, it's purely placebo.  Apps have enhanced the importance of matching interests but that has never been what makes relationships last. I believe that two people, if they want, can make any differences look like advantages and those that cannot can be changed if both work together. I believe marriage is a mutual sacrifice and investment. Arranged marriages couples love each other maybe even more than love made couples because they know the importance of learning to sacrifice certain things and accept another things, love each another regardless of what happens, and caring more than the other pers


Whenever a female friend asks me this question she's usually already in love with an old man who's usually married with several kids. They never come and ask me before they accept to go on a trip to an exotic beach or to meet in a motel or to get a quickie in his car. No, they ask me after they had already done this and my advice becomes rather useless. As I said earlier, never date married people. So he says he's unhappy with his wife? Then only start dating after he proves he's divorced. Most men wouldn't marry a woman who accepts to have an affair with a married man. That says a lot about her., they think. You should learn something: If a man treats a woman a certain way then it's safe to assume that he'll do the same to you. I see a lot of women dating abusers when they knew his early partner left him because of his behavior. As I said, learn from other people's mistakes, life is too short to make all of them. If you are below 21, I


The first thing you should think of is about your objectives in the relationship. He might have his short term objectives but you should have a long term mindset. It's no coincidence we, men, have segmented women into categories. That girl has the "fuck me look" , that one says "marry me" all over her, that other one says "Don't take me serious" , etc. If your mindset, behavior, dress code, conversation, everything is channeled into being someone's girlfriend then men will naturally mirror you. They might cheat on you when you aren't around (especially in distant relationships) but as soon you arrive, they'll get back at Boyfriend Mode , not knowing they're being reprogrammed slowly. If you need a boyfriend but you are still distracted with the hottest guy at school or work, you pick your guys by how strong your orgasms are, or you find no problem to date a guy who has a girlfriend or a wife or even kids, then you st


If your partner is like most guys, he has lost all credibility in marriage because of all the divorce and because we don't live in a world where when attraction starts fading away, they stay with each other trying to get it back, rather, in our world where if such happens we are more likely to get a divorce. Remember the time when this behavior was typical of famous people, well, Hollywood has won, they've officially made you believe what happens in their lives is the superior way of living. Or maybe it's because today Social Media has made us micro stars in our own world and we always think we deserve better. Choice can be a curse and free will is overrated. It's no coincidence arranged marriages like in India are happier and last longer. Most men see Marriage as an institution, some seek stability but I don't know any man who dreams of getting married. There might be, I just don't know any. Note that all this has anything to do with the act


This is a no brainer. Tell them you are in a new relationship now and that you don't socialize with exes (even if it isn't true with all of them. Tell it to the sticky ones). Also, learn to block phone numbers. We all have smartphones today, and most of us have Truecaller. Block those annoying people. You can tell your partner the same thing so that he doesn't have any ex-boyfriend fobia. If he is a very good catch or especially if he is or used to be a ladies man, he knows that if he wants, he can get in touch with all his ex-girlfriends and even if all of them are engaged, at least 50% of them can still have sex with him. It's a problem with a lot of people, that when you are in a new relationship, old relationships always seem better than the current one. We tend to ignore what was wrong with them, and only remember what was good about them. Because of this nostalgia problem that most women have, men who have had a vast experience with women naturally d


The best way to deal with the other bitch is to totally ignore her. She has no guilt here. You might say "SHE TOOK MY MAN" , but you should know that a grown man cannot be taken by a woman by force. What happened? She snuck in your house, she stole your man and she went out from the chimney with him in a sac? Oh, no? So she seduces him and he fell in her web? She's still not guilty because as I said, no man can be taken if he doesn't want to.  If he cheats on you, something is wrong either with the relationship or with himself, or with you. Talk to him. I know a cheated woman won't admit it but most times a man cheats, he liked another woman and he seduced her, and women in general find engaged men more appealing than single men because it means he is certified fresh, there's certainty of manhood. Most times, your husband or partner seduces a woman and doesn't tell her he's engaged, then when this woman finds out that you exist, just l