In order to know where you are and how to get where you want, you have got to know which the steps of a relationship are:

1. Seduction
Seduction is that phase where you are still talking hours long on the phone, getting to know the mysterious part of each other. You are still flirty with him and he still gives you all the attention in the world.

2. The Perfect other
In these phase you think you have found the love of your life. He's perfect and he thinks you are perfect too. That's so that you believe you are perfect, you believe this man has made you perfect. Yes, you have found your prince.

3. Uncovering traits
Differences arise, attraction-based-only relationships start crumbling, different morals, religions and philosophies, those mundane cringing habits annoy you, his relatives and friends don't like you or you don't like them, along with other issues.

3.1. The Bad outweigh the Good
When you realize he has none of those 3 most important traits I told you to list, or when there's too much bad than good then you part ways, or break up, or one starts cheating.

3.2. Good traits outweigh the bad ones
So, he has all 3 of those main traits you need plus some other good ones, sure he has some major bad ones but with time you can both work on that because you know you are not perfect and he shouldn't be perfect as well.

4. Adaptation
Here you start adapting to his behavior, even his bad traits. In bed you know everything that works for him and he knows which work for you. You start getting used to some of his bad traits to a point where you get worried.

5. Acceptance or Surrender
Here you accept totally who he is or you surrender trying to change him. You start seeing that some traits you thought were bad can actually be good ones because one of you has them.

6. Comfort or boredom
Here there's absolute comfort and most times there's too much comfort that the sex starts being less frequent. There's a transcendence here. You don't imagine your life without him and neither does he. There's usually a routine and here are less surprises. You already know your partner maybe more than he does.

Sorry, I too can't define this.
 It's important that the two of you are in the same stage because if one is in one and the other in another, chaos is bound to happen.
All of us want to get to that last 7th step in our lives. To love somebody so much you can't imagine yourself not loving them. To not only love them but to love loving them. There are almost 8 billion people on the planet and I tell you, you shouldn't be looking for the perfect one. You should be looking for the one you think can become the perfect one, with your help.
Love isn't pre-determined, it's created and can be destroyed, in every gesture made or neglected, every obstacle yielded or overcome, and love grows or dies, step by step.

Even those people who say that they had love at first sight. Haven't you met someone new and after 1 minute feel like you've been friends forever. If it was a guy and there was strong attraction I am sure you'd think it was love at first sight. Nobody has love at first sight, they had absolute attraction and familiarity. The love, the real love, they created it, and the fact that the two of them believed they loved each other helped through placebo. It's just like religious faith, the law of attraction, whatever you believe in. When you believe in something, you tend to have more courage, patience and strength to fight for it, and in the end, Real Love is Created.



  1. Tam, kurš šodien lasa šo liecību, vajadzētu svinēt kopā ar mani un manu ģimeni, jo tas visiem sākās kā joks, un daži teica, ka tas nav iespējams. Mani sauc Aleksandrs Bendiks, es esmu no Rīgas, bet kopā ar sievu pārcēlos uz Beļģiju. Esmu laimīgi precējusies ar diviem bērniem un skaistu sievu. Kaut kas briesmīgs notika ar manu ģimeni, es pazaudēju darbu un sieva aizgāja no mājas, jo es nevarēju parūpēties par sevi un ģimeni. viņai un maniem bērniem tajā laikā. Man izdevās deviņus gadus, neviena sieva mani neatbalstīja, lai labi rūpētos par bērniem. Es cenšos nosūtīt testa ziņojumu sievai, bet viņa neļauj man ar viņu runāt. Es cenšos aprunāties ar viņas draugu un viņas ģimeni, bet es joprojām zinu, ka kāds varētu man palīdzēt, un es vēlāk esmu nosūtījis pieprasījumu tik daudziem uzņēmumiem, bet tik un tā nezvanu man, līdz pienāk kāda uzticīga diena, kuru es nekad savā dzīvē neaizmirsīšu . Kad es satiku vecu draugu, kuram es izskaidroju visas savas grūtības, un viņš man pastāstīja par lielisku cilvēku, kurš viņam palīdzēja iegūt labu darbu Coca cola uzņēmumā, un viņš man teica, ka tas ir rutīnas šarms, bet es esmu cilvēks, kurš nekad tic pareizrakstībai, bet es nolēmu to izmēģināt, un es ar viņu sazinājos, izmantojot Viņš mani pamācīja un parādīja, kā rīkoties šajās trīs burvestības palaišanas dienās. Es sekoju visiem norādījumiem un daru to, ko viņš man lūdza darīt labi. Drosagiede pārliecinieties, ka viss noritēja labi, un mana sieva mani atkal redzēs pēc brīnišķīgā darba Drosagiede. Mana sieva man piezvanīja ar nezināmu numuru un atvainojās, un viņa man teica, ka viņa patiešām man pietrūkst, un mūsu bērni un mana sieva nāk mājās. Un pēc divām dienām uzņēmums, kas man nosūtīja pateicības vēstuli, sauca, tagad es esmu piemērs uzņēmuma vadītājam šeit, ASV. Es iesaku, ja rodas kādas problēmas, nosūtiet ziņojumu uz šo e-pastu: vai whatsapp +2349014523836, un jūs iegūsit vislabāko rezultātu. Uztveriet lietas kā pašsaprotamas, un tas jums tiks atņemts. ES tev novēlu visu to labāko.


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